Digital Marketing Training in Bangalore | Magvin Digipro
Compared to old traditional marketing, now modern features like time & effort saving, Global Reach, cost effectiveness, high return over investment, instant response, flexibility, convenience, Digital Marketing is making a firm impact in the world of Marketing. The future scope of Digital Marketing industry is that there will be more visibility and brand awareness online, which will be easily accessible to the customers as per their exact requirement.
Internet Users:

With over 560 million internet users in India, entrepreneurs cannot ignore their business presence online. According to some Statistical report, which came out in June 2017, shows that “India is the second largest internet users and will be the fastest growing online retail country in Asia Pacific”.
These reports clearly showcase that we will have increased number of internet users in future that will help digital marketers to reach more relevant and accurate audience all around the globe with much lesser cost than compared to traditional marketing.
Mobile Phones:

In this new era mobile phone is one of the most used devices for communication globally. As per a Statistical report 358.46 million number of mobiles phone users in India, which will increase to 492.68 million by 2022. The mobile phones used currently are all smartphones with internet access that makes easier for the users to connect with product or service anytime and anywhere.
Targeting Audience:

In offline or traditional marketing techniques, the people face difficulty to target the right audience with specific demographics and interest. These old methods included advertising in bulk like newspaper, banners etc., So ending up with more cost and less ROI (Return on Investments). Also, there will be no proper reports to analyze, understand and monitor the reach.
These major drawbacks enable Digital Marketing to win over offline or traditional marketing, as we can easily reach our customized audience and have categories such as gender, age, language, location, interest etc.
Low Cost and High ROI:

Many companies today depend on Digital Marketing rather than traditional marketing because of Low Cost with High Return on Investment. This includes Start-up companies, Small and Medium Enterprises and also big MNC’s.
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Digital Marketing Training in Bangalore | Magvin Digipro